Monday, September 27, 2010

An Icon of Tradgedy; A Sign of Comfort

This steel beam was found within the rubble of the World Trade Centres two days after September 11, 2001.

It became a sign of hope and healing for many rescue workers, who searched the site for the remains of innocent thousands who perished in the terrorist attacks.

Nine years on, Ground Zero stills projects a very raw image. There lies a gaping hole; a vast, vacant that is unwillingly exposed. Once home to the two tallest buildings in the world, the 'World Trade Centre Site' is now 'Ground Zero', just 16 acres of harsh memories. The rubble may be cleared, but the sentiment is not.

New York is a noisy city - where you struggle to hear yourself think, over honking horns, screeching subways and crazy crowds. But on this day, the anniversary of 9/11, the Financial District was eerily quiet. But the sense of despair was deafening.

On the evening of every anniversary, two vibrant, vertical columns of blue light are projected high into the night's sky, in remembrance of the attacks. This year, the weather was overcast and some 10,000 birds were attracted to the lights, mistaking them for starlight - which they rely on to guide their navigation. The bedazzled birds are a testament to the memorial and how mesmerising it really is.

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